SimGuruTaterTot (yum!) has made a new post on website which includes a sneak peek of new upcoming content coming to The Sims 3 Store. In celebration of the Sims’ 13th year anniversary and Mardi Grass, they will be releasing a free Mardi Gras set, and an 18th century paid Set.

So much to tell, so little time! 

On the heels of the Aurora Skies announcement, I thought I'd start the weekend by leaving everyone more things to chat over.  

Everyone's been asking, "Where's the new free content?" Good question! In celebration of the Sim's 13th Anniversary AND Mardi Gras (what perfect timing), here's a sneak peek of what you'll find in the next free set we're releasing soon
But let's not stop there. The next question everyone's been asking (and much more recently), "What's coming out next week?!". Here's a sneak peek of the next amazing set from the Sims 3 Store: 
Update: SimGuruTaterTot (yum!) has shared another sneak peek.
For the link to the thread, click here

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